Our research group is interested in studying design, implementation, and evaluation issues for all kinds of large-scale distributed systems. From systems in/for: cloud computing, IoT, machine learning systems, distributed computation (real-time and batch), to (previously) peer to peer systems, Grids, and sensor networks. We collaborate with multiple areas within the CS department (e.g., formal verification, machine learning, model checking, human-computer interaction, etc.) and other departments on campus. We believe in solving real-life problems by building working distributed systems with a strong underlying theoretical foundation. We collaborate intensely with tech companies, from helping them build and write papers on their production systems to research prototypes. For more information, see the Publications section of this website.
If you're interested in joining us, please read the papers from here: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems.
If you are a prospective graduate student and are interested in joining the DPRG group, please apply to the UIUC CS graduate program first! If you are selected, Prof. Gupta will be able to look at your application folder. Please don't forget to include "Indranil Gupta" as one of your faculty of interest in your graduate application!
At this time, this group is unfortunately not hiring any summer interns.