[Jun 2021] PhD Student Le Xu has won the prestigious national CRA CIFellows Fellowship (CRA, Computing Communoty Consortium), 2021. This will support her work in her upcoming postdoc with Prof. Aditya Akella (U. Texas Austin).
[2020] PhD Student Le Xu has been selected to the prestigious Rising Stars in EECS 2020.
[2020]PhD Student Cong Xie has won the prestigious J.P. Morgan Chase PhD Fellowship, 2020.
[Oct 2018] Shadi Noghabi has won the prestigious 2016 David J. Kuck Outstanding Ph.D.
Thesis Award from the Department of Computer Science at UIUC.
[May 2019] Faria Kalim has won the prestigious Mavis
Future Faculty Fellowship from the Grainger College of Engineering at UIUC.
[Apr 2018] Our paper has won the
Best Paper Award at IEEE IC2E 2018! The paper is: Muntasir Raihan Rahman,
Indranil Gupta, Akash Kapoor, Haozhen Ding. "OPTiC: Opportunistic Graph Processing
in Multi-Tenant Clusters," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering
(IC2E), 2018.
[Aug 2017] Rui Yang has won the CS Department's Richard T. Cheng Endowed Fellowship.
[Aug 2017] Jayasi Mehar (MS Student) is one of the nationwide winners of the Siebel Scholar Award.
[Jun 2017] Another award for PhD Student Shadi Noghabi, this one national. Shadi is one of the recipients of the
Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant this year. She is one of 12 winners across the United States.
[May 2017] Our paper has won the Best Paper Award at IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2017!
The paper is: Nguyen, Phuong, Steve Konstanty, Todd Nicholson, Thomas O’Brien, Aaron Schwartz-Duval, Tim Spila, Klara Nahrstedt,
Roy Campbell, Indranil Gupta, Michael Chan, Kenton McHenry, Normand Paquin. "4CeeD: Real-time Acquisition
and Analysis Framework for Materials-related Cyber-Physical Environments,"
Proc. 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2017.
[Apr 2017] PhD Student Shadi Noghabi has won the prestigious Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship
(from the College of Engineering at UIUC), for 2017-18.
[Apr 2016] Our paper won the Best Paper Award at IC2E 2016! The paper is:
Pundir, Mayank, Manoj Kumar, Luke Leslie, Indranil Gupta, Roy Campbell.
"Supporting On-demand Elasticity in Distributed Graph Processing," Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 2016.
[Aug 2016] New PhD Student Rui Yang has won the prestigious Microsoft Women's Fellowship for 2016-17.
[Feb 2016] Le Xu has won the prestigious 2016 David J. Kuck Outstanding M.S.
Thesis Award from the Department of Computer Science.
[Feb 2016] Muntasir Rahman has won the Feng Chen Memorial Award from the
Department of Computer Science.
[Aug 2015] Our paper (co-authored by us and Jose Meseguer and his students and collaborators)
was a Nominee for the Best Paper Award at QEST 2015! The paper is:
Liu, Si, Son Nguyen, Jatin Ganhotra, Muntasir Raihan Rahman, Indranil Gupta,
Jose Meseguer. "Quantitative Analysis of Consistency in NoSQL Key-value Stores,"
12th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2015), 2015.
[Jul 2015] Our paper (co-authored by us and Tarek Abdelzaher and his students and collaborators
from industry) has won the Best Paper Award at IEEE ICAC 2015! The paper is:
Amin, Md Tanvir Al, Shen Li, Muntasir Raihan Rahman, Panindra Tumkur Seetharamu, Shiguang Wang,
Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Indranil Gupta, Mudhakar Srivatsa, Raghu K Ganti, Reaz Ahmed, Hieu Le.
"SocialTrove: A Self-summarizing Storage Service for Social Sensing," Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), 2015.
[Apr 2015] MS/PhD Le Xu has won the Outstanding TA Award for her work in CS425 Fall 2014.
[Apr 2015] Folks are blogging about our Cross-layer Scheduling work that we presented in IC2E 2015.
See this link.
You can find the paper here.
[Sep 2014] DPRG wins support from another new
NSF Grant for our work on key-value stores.
[May 2011] DPRG is excited to be part of the new AFOSR/AFRL
Assured Cloud Computing University Center of Excellence
(PI: Campbell, co-PI: Gupta, Sanders, Nicol, Kalbarczyk, Agha, Meseguer, Bobba, Bashir, and others), 2011-2017 Amount: $6M.
[Jul 2010] DPRG's work on cloud computing has been awarded a 4-year NSF grant and a 2-year Beckman Seed Funding grant (see "Support" link on left).
[Aug 2009] Congratulations to the first three PhD graduates of DPRG group, all defended and graduating/graduated in 2009:
Steven Y. Ko: Next Employment: Assistant Professor position at SUNY-Buffalo (CSE Department). Joining Buffalo (deferred) in Fall 2010, after completing a 1 year post-doctorate at Princeton University (2009-2010)
[Jul 2009] DPRG PhD student Steven Y. Ko has accepted an Assistant Professor position at
SUNY-Buffalo (CSE Department).
He will join Buffalo (deferred) in Fall 2010, after completing a 1 year post-doctorate at
Princeton University (2009-2010)!
[Jul 2009] DPRG PhD student Ramses Morales has accepted a postdoctorate position at
Xerox Research (Webster, NY)!
[Jul 17 2009] Steven Y. Ko has successfully defended his PhD thesis.
[Jun 25 2009] Ramses V. Morales has successfully defended his PhD thesis.
[Apr 2009]
Imranul Hoque (DPRG PhD student)'s team wins State Farm Grand Prize in the Siebel Center's
Computing Habitat Competition for their project "s-print" (other team members: Sonia Jahid and Md. Ahsan Arefin).
[Apr 2009]
Jay A. Patel has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Jay received his Ph.D. degree in May 2009.
Jay is the first Ph.D. alumnus of the DPRG group. Next Employment: Self-Employed (Startup).
Downloads for systems we have built and traces we have collected are now available (under Illinois Open Source License):
see Downloads Page
[July 2008] HP, Intel and Yahoo!, in collaboration with NSF announce global
Cloud Computing Testbed (CCT) at University of Illinois and other places.
The DPRG group is deeply involved in the UIUC effort. NSF has announced a SGER grant
(with lead PI: Mike Heath, and co-PIs: Indranil Gupta and Roy Campbell) to support the CCT equipment acquisition and setup.
Some articles on effort: